Three-dimensional images are expected jump out of movie theaters and into living rooms by next year. Sony and Panasonic say they will release home 3-D television systems in 2010; Mitsubishi and JVC are reported to be working on similar products. “TV finally becomes real” in three dimensions, said Robert Perry, an executive vice president at Panasonic. “You’re in it. It’s the next frontier.”
Read full article on CNN
Here is the show detail about one of my colleague’s makeover to his deck recently which aired on DIY. Guys, its worth watching
From DIY…
Geff and Tiina Vitale have a home just down the road from the Jersey Shore. They have an old deck attached to their house and they want to try to salvage as much as possible. Also, the Vitales would like to rework the deck in the dead of winter, so they can enjoy the renovated deck in the Spring and Summer. Geffs idea is to detach the deck from the house, knock out every-other plank, save the remaining ones, but add new wood to create a sturdier, bigger deck. Geff and Tiina have a newborn, so Tiinas limited with the amount of work she can contribute, so Geff recruits his best friend, Jay. Jay however, is the last one to know that hes in it for the long run. Aside from the deck being a bit of a bear to restructure, below freezing temperatures only add to the difficulty of the job. This is one show that truly tests friendship during the renovation process.
via Shows A – Z : Renovation Realities : The Vitale Job : DIY Network.